
In today’s environment, the average age of benefit advisors and agency owners is increasing, but there are some younger people coming into the insurance business and they are bringing innovation and new best practices to the table. Emily Bremer, founder at Bremer Conley Insurance Brokers & Consultants is one of those advisors, and she joins us to discuss some of the things her agency is doing.

We discuss some of the issues with the traditional agency systems, as well as compensation compression and what Emily and other new independent benefits advisors are doing to solve those problems. While these newer advisors are “fiercely independent”, you may be surprised at how some of them are joining together to create a cooperative that maximizes resources and eliminates duplication and waste – all of which will increase profitability.

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • Emily’s journey into the insurance business.
  • The problem with traditional agency compensation systems.
  • How and why she is working on forming a cooperative.
  • The new best practices she is developing.

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